(Official) CuP Wiki
Empty Servers
add-in icon
add-in icon
Add-In information
Creator MhX
Status S1 Verified
Visibility Client-sided
Latest version 1.0
Folder new Date added to the store December 25th, 2013
Icon home Creator's website cloudpengu.in

Empty Servers is an Add-In created by MhX. It is one of the first add-ins in Cloud Penguin as it came with its first public release, and it was one of the default add-ins on CuP 1.0 beta.

The Add-In can only be used while selecting a server, and the user can manually set the fullness of the servers to any desired level, from 0 (empty) to 6 (full). This can be used for accessing full servers (or simply for fun). It may be useful when trying to meet a mascot that is in a full server.

The version 1.0 released on August 30th, 2015 was its first update since the release in 2013. The major changes are: improved trackbar usability, server information being updated in realtime, no wait for the changes to apply and a reset button to restore the original servers' population.


Cloud Penguin(CuP) Sneak Peek Video 1-0

Video showing Empty Servers 0.1 in action using CuP 1.0 beta
